New Release | Mechanicals

BOOM Library is the sister company of Sonuscore, it is run by the same people. BOOM Library specializes in high-end sound FX production.
They are gladly introducing their next remarkable library MECHANICALS. Open the secret chest to many mechanical sound effects opportunities.



MECHANICALS DESIGNED will let you create fascinating and complex mechanical sound effects in just a few minutes. Complicated vault doors, secret mechanisms, clockworks, huge, small or tiny machinery, drawbridges, mechanical processes of any size, you name it.

MECHANICALS DESIGNED comes with 96 pre-designed and ready-to-use files organized by size (LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL, TINY). Each file contains four often heavily alternating variations of the sound to give you more flexibility and less repetitive sound options. The sounds come as 96kHz/24bit WAV files, ready to further process them as you desire.

The MECHANICALS DESIGN edition comes at a price of 99,00 €.




The MECHANICALS – CONSTRUCTION KIT is an incredibly valuable and versatile set of sound FX. Use these high-quality source sounds to create your own mechanical sound masterpieces from scratch.

To give you unlimited possibilities they included more than 2.000 single source sound FX in more than 560 files. Choose from a sheer endless amount of CLICKS, SNAPS, MOVEMENTS, COMPLEX SOUND SEQUENCES, RATTLING, ROLLING, SLIDING, SPRINGS, TURNS and SWEETENERS.

The MECHANICALS Construction Kit comes at a price of 149,00 €.



Make sure to order the MECHANICALS – BUNDLE until August 1st to benefit from their special offer!

Click HERE to learn more about the new release MECHANICALS and check out the video teaser:


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